Selenite Feather Incense Burner


You will receive a selenite incense stick burner similar to those shown.

Material: Selenite

Origin: Morocco

Details: A variety of gypsum, one of four, selenite is common worldwide, common sources for the mineral include, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Greece, Japan, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, and the United States. These white and sometimes translucent crystals form with striations giving the soft stone its beautiful luster.

Properties: Selenite’s name is associated with the Greek goddess of the moon Selene. The soothing moon energy of this stone promotes peace of mind, calm, mental clarity, well-being, and protection. It absorbs negative energy from our space as well as within ourselves helping us to balance the chakras.

Selenite is believed to cleanse and charge the other crystals. Place your charging plate in a calm clean place in your home or workspace. Place crystals or jewelry free of dirt, a.k.a clean vybz, on your selenite plate to cleanse and charge your crystals.

*No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment

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You will receive a selenite incense stick burner similar to those shown.

Material: Selenite

Origin: Morocco

Details: A variety of gypsum, one of four, selenite is common worldwide, common sources for the mineral include, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Greece, Japan, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, and the United States. These white and sometimes translucent crystals form with striations giving the soft stone its beautiful luster.

Properties: Selenite’s name is associated with the Greek goddess of the moon Selene. The soothing moon energy of this stone promotes peace of mind, calm, mental clarity, well-being, and protection. It absorbs negative energy from our space as well as within ourselves helping us to balance the chakras.

Selenite is believed to cleanse and charge the other crystals. Place your charging plate in a calm clean place in your home or workspace. Place crystals or jewelry free of dirt, a.k.a clean vybz, on your selenite plate to cleanse and charge your crystals.

*No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment

3" Selenite Charging Plates
Selenite Towers
Selenite Sticks 4"
Number of sticks:

You will receive a selenite incense stick burner similar to those shown.

Material: Selenite

Origin: Morocco

Details: A variety of gypsum, one of four, selenite is common worldwide, common sources for the mineral include, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Greece, Japan, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, and the United States. These white and sometimes translucent crystals form with striations giving the soft stone its beautiful luster.

Properties: Selenite’s name is associated with the Greek goddess of the moon Selene. The soothing moon energy of this stone promotes peace of mind, calm, mental clarity, well-being, and protection. It absorbs negative energy from our space as well as within ourselves helping us to balance the chakras.

Selenite is believed to cleanse and charge the other crystals. Place your charging plate in a calm clean place in your home or workspace. Place crystals or jewelry free of dirt, a.k.a clean vybz, on your selenite plate to cleanse and charge your crystals.

*No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment

Palo Santo Holder
3" Selenite Charging Plates
from $4.00