Featured Products

  • Wire-wrapped Larimar and Quartz in Copper Pendant, with hand woven wire details

    Larimar and Quartz in Copper Pendant

    Larimar, also known as the "Caribbean gemstone", is a rare blue variety of the mineral pectolite and is found only in the Dominican Republic. This beautiful stone was first discovered in 1916, but it wasn't until 1974 that Larimar's commercial mining began. Today, Larimar is a highly sought-after gemstone due to its unique color and limited availability.

  • Bowl of mini-cabochons with a quarter for size reference

    Mini-Cabochon Scoops

    Receive a scoop of our beautifully polished mini-cabochon mix!


    Sodalite, Labradorite, Moonstone, Mariam Jasper, Howlite, Dalmatian Jasper, Bumblebee Jasper, Rutile Quartz, Sunstone, Aventurine, Unakite, Green Jade, Amethyst, Amazonite, Citrine, Black Onyx, Red Jasper, Black Tourmaline, lepidolite, Chinese Writing Stone, Clear and Strawberry Quartz.

  • Earthy Vybz logo with rainbow crystals, teal logo and letters, on a black background

    Vyb Bucks

    Not sure what some ones style is? or maybe you’d like to gift them some bucks towards a larger purchase or custom piece. Earthy Vybz is now offering Vyb Bucks good for any purchase her on my site, and towards any custom work. Upgrade someone’s vybz today with Vyb Bucks.

Catch our vybz

We create wire-wrapped jewelry with natural healing gemstones and fossils. We travel the country with our four pups collecting stones, fossils, and other treasures along the way. We hunt for whatever we can mining, sifting, or digging in the pursuit of raw stones and fossils untouched and unseen by any other human.

When we outsource our materials we always source the best quality material at the best prices in order to ensure good VYBZ only!

Black onyx and amethyst copper wire-wrapped pendant


Participating in one of our live sales? Fill out this form to be eligible to claim crystals, cabochons, faceted stones, fossils, or wire-wrapped jewelry!

Terms and Conditions:

  • CLAIM RESPONSIBLY! Your claim is a promise to purchase, claims may not be put back.

  • Claim by commenting the price of the item.

  • First claim on my screen gets the item, this may not reflect what shows on yours.

  • Claimed items may be traded for higher priced items ONLY.

  • Claim bundles will be posted here on earthyvybz.com and a notification email will be sent, or invoiced through PayPal.

  • ALL CLAIMS MUST BE PAID WITHIN 48 hours normally.

  • Unpaid claims will disqualify you from future sales.

  • We take great care in packing and shipping your items. However, Earthy Vybz is not responsible for lost or damaged packages or items. Shipping insurance above $100 can be provided on request and at the expense of the purchaser.